Archive for May, 2013

Is This A Zombie

This is on the the best anime s to come out in the last 5 years. It’s right up there with Highschool Of The Dead .

The content is much the same also. Blood, violence, sex and comedy a perfect combination along with a compelling plot.

This is just a recommendation I will do a more detailed analysis later on.              Baka.

Highschool Of The Dead

Yesterday i finished watching H.O.T.D. and may i say well done. This series has moved its way to the very top of my all time favorites and will stay there.

The series is not only violent, funny and dramatic but also has a fair bit of ecchi in it which I know most anime fans love to see.

Earlier i discussed anime dubbing and how sometimes it doesn’t work very well. In the case of H.O.T.D. its done marvelously the voices match the characters very well and in the case of Takashi (the main protagonist)  the English voice over matches his character far better than the Japanese voice over. So if you are going to watch this series please watch it dubbed but beware season 2 is coming out this year and dubbing can take time so be aware of this before deciding.

Final Rating 9/10                                                        Baka.

Top 5 Romantic Comedy Animes

5. Dragon Crisis

4. High School DXD

3. The Familiar Of Zero

2. Rosario Vampire

1. Sekirei

All of these anime s fit into the following categories

Romance, Comedy, Ecchi, Supernatural and Magic

There are English dubbed versions of these but only a few are good. I recommend hat you watch Sekirei and Rosario Vampire with English dubs but the rest in Japanese.

I hope that you found this list useful in finding your next anime. Baka.

Dubbing anime

There is always going to be that debate between which is better subbed anime or dubbed anime. Both have good and bad points to them for example, dubbing an anime can be very effective and can turn out better than the original version e.g. Is This A Zombie was a fantastic dub done by FUNimation. However it can turn out horrible with the voices out of sync and overacting being done by the VAs e.g. Ichiban Ushiro no Daimaou. I watched the first episode of this with English dub and I was shocked with how bad it was so I immediately switched to subbed and so glad i did.

There are some series that are great with Japanese voice overs but because of complex story lines and fast paced scenes and dub would benefit those who aren’t speed readers a good example of this would be Shakugan no Shana. This was a great 3 season long series however the story was very complex and some episodes had to be reviewed after finishing them to clarify some major points.

In the end dubs are good if they are done well so if you want to watch and anime thats dubbed make sure its done by FUNimation because their track record of animes (Dragonballl Z, One Piece) is flawless even if it takes them 1-2 years to dub a series. Baka.

New Guy In Town

Hello fellow anime fans i’m a fresh new face in the blogosphere and if you have stumbled upon this blog its your lucky day sir/madam.

I have been a fan of anime for a number of years and while searching across the internet I’ve noticed that many people share the same opinions i do about anime but there aren’t to many blogs out there that do (any that I’ve come across anyway) 

I have many many many many good opinions to share with you as well as anime talk, series recommendations and countdowns. I look forward to seeing you around here. Baka.